πŸŒ™Moon In Libra βš–οΈβ™Ž

    Your desire for harmonious relationships and surroundings is so strong that you avoid personal confrontations or any expression of intense, unpleasant emotions. If "Can't We All Just Get Along" was a person, that'd be you. You have the capabilities to play nicely with people whom you can't even stand! This becomes an issue when your phony tactics spill over to personal & meaningful relationships.

 You are an idealist who would like to paint the world in pastel colors, and live in peace and harmony with others at all times. 

You are able to see points of similarity and unity with people who are vastly different from yourself, and befriend many different types of people. 

You are a considerate and thoughtful friend, and have a real flair for making others feel accepted and appreciated. Inwardly you are often torn with indecision and are much more at odds with yourself than others would ever guess from your smooth, even disposition.

Lola Smith